According to a HK01, an online publication from Hong Kong, Lee Hsien Yang flew into Hong Kong today with his wife, Mrs Lee Suet Fern.
He told reporters that he is in the Special Administrative Region of China to explore with friends, and refused to talk about his ongoing dispute with his brother, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
In a statement he issued with his sister 10 days ago denouncing his elder brother, Mr Lee said that he feels compelled to leave Singapore for the ‘foreseeable future’.
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HK Media: Lee Hsien Yang and Lim Suet Fern are in Hong Kong
The latest update today from Hong Kong’s paparazzos is that Lee Hsien Yang and wife Suet Fern have landed in Hong Kong.
Interesting choice of location, given our recent issues with Hong Kong’s sovereign lord.
So now that kind of answers if they will stick around to hear what Parliament will hear and say on 3rd July.
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Lee Hsien Yang is in Hong Kong: report
Lee Hsien Yang, who has been embroiled in a high-profile feud with his brother Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, is reportedly in Hong Kong.
Online publication HK01 reported that Hsien Yang and his wife Suet Fern landed at Hong Kong International Airport on Sunday afternoon (25 June). At around 2.50pm, the couple emerged from customs by themselves but were not greeted by anyone.
Asked by reporters what he was doing in the territory, Hsien Yang replied that he was there to see friends, but would not comment on the ongoing Lee family feud. Asked when he intended to leave Hong Kong, he replied, “None of your business.”
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Lee Hsien Yang, estranged brother of Singapore PM, seen at Hong Kong airport
Lee Hsien Yang, the estranged brother of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, flew to Hong Kong over the weekend as a highly publicised family feud between the siblings continues to unfold in the city state.
Lee Hsien Yang and wife, Lim Suet Fern, boarded a Cathay Pacific flight and arrived at Hong Kong International Airport on Sunday.
The purpose of their visit is unknown, but when approached by reporters, Lee, a former chief of the nation’s telecommunications giant Singtel, only said that he was “visiting friends”, according to online media outlet HK01.
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Lee Hsien Yang & his wife are now in Hong Kong
Lee Hsien Yang and his wife, Lee Suet Fern, flew to Hong Kong on Sunday, June 25, in the midst of the ongoing Lee family feud over the fate of the late Lee Kuan Yew’s house at 38 Oxley Road.
According to a Hong Kong media outlet, the couple arrived at Hong Kong International Airport today via a Thai Airways flight.
When asked, Hsien Yang was quoted telling Hong Kong media that he was there to visit a friend and declined to comment on his ongoing feud with his brother, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He also declined to tell reporters when he would be leaving Hong Kong.
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Hongkong media reports the arrival of Lee Hsien Yang and his wife at Hongkong international airport

Hongkong media, HK01 has reported that Mr Lee Hsien Yang and his wife, Mrs Lee Suet Fern arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport on Sunday afternoon. According to the media outlet, Mr Lee said that he is visiting friends in Hong Kong but did not reply other questions.
Mr Lee, who is the son of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, has been in the news due to the allegations made against his brother, Lee Hsien Loong for abusing his position as Prime Minister for personal agenda. On 14 June, he and his sister, Dr Lee Weiling had issued a public statement expressing their non confidence in their brother and their worry about Singapore’s future in his hands.
“We are concerned that the system has few checks and balances to prevent the abuse of government. We feel big brother omnipresent. We fear the use of the organs of state against us and Hsien Yang’s wife, Suet Fern.” wrote the two in the published statement.
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Lee Hsien Yang spotted in Hong Kong along with his wife
Mr Lee Hsien Yang, who has been embroiled in a public feud with his brother, PM Lee Hsien Loong over their late father's house at 38, Oxley Road, was spotted in Hong Kong on Sunday (Jun 25) after taking a flight from Singapore.
Hong Kong media reported that Mr Lee Hsien Yang was accompanied by his wife, Mrs Lee Suet Fern, & that no one was at the airport to receive them.
He told Hong Kong media he was in the city to visit friends, & declined to comment on his dispute with PM Lee.
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Lee Hsien Yang and his wife are in HK now!
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李顯揚偕妻突來港稱探友 與李顯龍不和 曾言逃離新加坡

《香港01》記者上前打招呼,李顯龍表示自己來港會友(to see friends),但他不肯回應與兄長李顯龍的糾紛。當記者問及何時離港時,他回答說:「與你們無關。」(none of your business)隨後,李顯揚即偕妻步往乘車方向,離開機場。
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Four questions for Indranee Rajah on the ‘Oxley Dispute’

One of the points she raised was the manner in which the 7th Will was drafted. Indranee said “The concerns raised about the 7th Will can be found in the summary of Lee Hsien Loong’s Statutory Declarations. Essentially, they relate to whether the reinsertion of the Demolition Clause was brought to Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s attention and whether he was given sufficient time to review the Will.” Our questions for Indranee:
- Well, probate was granted on the will. Essentially, probate refers to a legal process where a will is “proved” in a court and accepted as a valid public document that it is the true last testament of the deceased. PM Lee had the chance and right to contest the will but he did not. Surely the will could not have been that dodgy if PM Lee passed on the opportunity to question the will in court?
- In any case, the validity of the will should be debated in court, not dissected publicly by an office holder on Facebook. If you are so sure about it, take it to court, lah. Look at the past record; if they knew that they had a sure-win case, they would have happily sued already.
- I am also curious why Indranee only questioned the validity of the 7th Will. After all, she says “The Demolition Clause was in the 1st – 4th Wills. It was removed in the 5th and 6th Will.” So the radical switch happened from the 4th to 5th Will. Why was the Demolition Clause removed then? It also does not square with what Lee Kuan Yew has always maintained – he wants 38 Oxley Road to be demolished after his death. So perhaps the absence of the Demolition Cause in the 4th and 5th Wills deserves as much attention as its insertion into the 7th Will?
- Indranee also implies that Lim Suet Fern could have been the lawyer that drafted the 7th Will. She said, “If the lawyer referred to… is Mrs Lee Suet Fern, then certain questions will arise. Under our law, the lawyer drafting a will is required to be independent. If the lawyer has an interest in the will, the lawyer must make sure the person making the will gets independent advice.” She added that, “As Mrs Lee Suet Fern is his wife, if she prepared the 7th Will then the question which will arise is what independent advice MM received?”
This sounds like professional misconduct at the very least. If no independent advice was given to Lee Kuan Yew, and Lee Suet Fern drafted the 7th Will, this would have been a clear conflict of interest as Lee Suet Fern would have been a beneficiary of the 7th Will as she is married to Lee Hsien Yang.
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Indranee Rajah 23 June at 02:00
4 Things You Should Know about the Oxley Dispute
As Singaporeans we are all saddened by the Oxley dispute. I am particularly saddened because I looked after MM’s constituency in his final years and got to see at close quarters what a great man he was. I know how much this would have grieved MM and Mrs Lee.
People have expressed confusion about the things which have been said. Many are trying to make sense of it all.
The key to understanding this matter is first to get a handle on the issues and some important facts. Here are 4 things you should know about the Oxley dispute.
- What does the 7th Will actually say?
- Why does the government need to be involved in what happens to 38 Oxley Road?
- What is PM's involvement in government deliberations on 38 Oxley Road?
- Can we demolish the House now?
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Indranee Rajah Yesterday at 07:06
4 Further Things You Should Know About the Oxley Dispute
As I explained yesterday, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew did not simply insist his house be demolished once he was gone. First, he said his daughter Dr Lee Wei Ling should be allowed to live in the house for as long as she wished. This means that the question of demolition may not arise for many more years. Second, the late Mr Lee provided for the possibility of the government deciding to preserve the house, in which case he asked that the house not be opened to others except his descendants.
Today, I would like to look at the last Will - or the "7th Will". How did it come to be? Why is this in contention and what are the issues?
- How many Wills did Mr Lee make and what's the difference between them?
- What concerns have been raised about the 7th Will?
- Why is this relevant from a government perspective?
- Which Lawyer drafted the 7th Will?
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Identify lawyer who drafted Mr Lee's final will: Indranee
Senior Minister of State for Law & Finance Indranee Rajah yesterday called on Mr Lee Hsien Yang, the younger brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, to identify the lawyer who drafted the final will of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
She said his June 17 Facebook post had indicated that he knew who had prepared the will, when he twice mentioned "we" in reference to his dealings over the will.
Ms Indranee asked in a lengthy Facebook post if the "we" referred to Mr Lee Hsien Yang's wife, lawyer Lee Suet Fern.
related: Indranee asks LHY who drafted the late Lee Kuan Yew's final will
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'An insult' to LKY to suggest he did not understand last will, Hsien Yang says to Indranee
It is "an insult to a great man" to suggest that the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew did not understand or know what was in his last will, his younger son Mr Lee Hsien Yang has said in response to fresh questions about the document at the heart of a public dispute over the house on 38 Oxley Road.
On Saturday (Jun 24) night, Senior Minister of State (Finance & Law) Indranee Rajah reiterated a poser first raised by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: The identity of the lawyer who prepared Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Last Will, & the questions that would arise if it was Mrs Lee Suet Fern, given that the final will increased the share of the estate for her husband Mr Lee Hsien Yang.
Writing on Facebook, Ms Indranee questioned who Mr Lee Hsien Yang was referring to when he previously mentioned "we took what we understood to be the final version of the 2011 will, without realising that a gift over clause had been in the executed version of the 2011 will". A gift over clause in a will provides for the gift of property to a second recipient if a certain event occurs.
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An 'insult' to suggest Lee Kuan Yew did not understand his own will: Hsien Yang
It is “an insult to a great man” to suggest that the late Lee Kuan Yew did not understand his own will, said Lee Hsien Yang.
In his latest Facebook post on Saturday (24 June), the brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that the PM “is now getting his ministers to repeat his insinuations that Lee Kuan Yew did not understand his own will”. It was an apparent reference to Senior Minister of State for Law and Finance Indranee Rajah’s Facebook post on the same day.
Hsien Yang, who is currently chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, said, “They argue that Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawyer and sitting MP, signed his own will without knowing what was in it. They claim that he initialed beneath the demolition clause, without understanding what it meant in plain English.”
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Lee Hsien Yang: Don’t insult my father by saying he didn’t know what went into his last will
Senior Minister of State Indranee Rajah, who is a Tanjong Pagar GRC MP, the late Lee Kuan Yew’s former running mate and senior counsel, has up the ante.
In a Facebook post on Saturday night, June 24, she asked some serious questions pertaining to who was the lawyer who prepared Lee Kuan Yew’s last will, highlighting the very real issue of a conflict of interests that could point to the heart of the Lee family feud.
In a rehash of a previously mentioned talking point, Indranee wrote that this was so as the only two lawyers that have been narrowed down who could have drafted the Last Will are:
- Kwa Kim Li, who is the cousin of Lee Hsien Loong, Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling
- Lee Suet Fern, who is the wife of Lee Hsien Yang
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Singaporeans weary of prime minister's family spat
The siblings have continued to trade blows via Facebook, with no sign of a truce coming anytime soon. Many Singaporeans, unaware of what caused such distrust among the family in the first place, have started showing signs of weariness with the ongoing drama.
"Parliament is not a forum for siblings' disputes," an internet user believed to be Singaporean said in a comment on a local news website. Concerns have grown that the saga will drag on despite more pressing issues, such as the economy and the growing threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia. Han Fook Kwang, editor-at-large of the influential newspaper The Straits Times, said, "The family feud among the Lees is extremely damaging to Singapore."
The row has invited criticism from overseas, too. "The dispute between [the prime minister] and his siblings might challenge the stability of the country and bring pressure for political reform," wrote the Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party's English-language newspaper.
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"I will GET UP!"

The famiLEE tree
The famiLEE feud: PM Lee "I'm not sure that it is solved"
The famiLEE feud: AGC to start legal action on Li Shengwu for contempt
The famiLEE feud: AGC looking into FB post by Lee Hsien Yang's son
The famiLEE feud: Protest at Hong Lim Park
The famiLEE feud: Demolish the house, end the saga, let's move on
The famiLEE feud: LWL, LHY to stop presenting online evidence
The famiLEE feud: Lee Hsien Yang responds to Parliament Hearing
The famiLEE feud: Parliamentary Hearing on Oxley's Dispute
The famiLEE feud: PM Lee Hsien Loong's Ministerial Statement
The famiLEE feud: Why LHY is speaking up
The famiLEE feud: July 3 Parliament session a cover-up & whitewash?
The famiLEE feud: Not another minister on the Will again!
The famiLEE feud: Lee Hsien Yang & his wife in Hong Kong
The famiLEE feud: Rise of the 'First Lady'
The famiLEE feud: Govt 'Poking Nose' into Oxley's fate
The famiLEE feud: Will House Debate clear the air?
The famiLEE feud: PM apologises for family feud
The famiLEE feud: Singaporeans sick and tired of endless Oxley Rd allegations
The famiLEE feud: "Past three days"
The famiLEE feud: "Will of Wills"
Social Media on the Late LKY’s children Online Squabble
Online squabble about "Hero-Worship" of the late Lee Kuan Yew
Family feud over how to mark LKY's death spills out online
New Law to Protect Lee Kuan Yew's Name and Image
Govt rebuts Lawyer's comments on QFLP scheme
Li Hongyi & Li Shengwu: 2 latest Internet sensation from the Lee family
Remembering Lee Kuan Yew 2016
LKY Passing: Good Intentions Gone Wrong
PM broke down in Parliament talking about his Dad
A State Funeral Service held for Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Former PM Lee Kuan Yew in the limelight
Lee Kuan Yew passes away on 23 Mar 2015
Lee Kuan Yew – The Man and his Legacy
Lee Kuan Yew in ICU with severe pneumonia
The Battle For Merger
Happy 91st Birthday Lee Kuan Yew from Singapore!
Singapore's Founding Father Hospitalised
Lee Kuan Yew turns 90
Lee Kuan Yew hospitalised: Suspected Transient Ischaemic Attack
Lee & Lee - The job has changed
"One World's View Of The Man"
Lee Kuan Yew on death: I want mine quickly, painlessly
A Post-LKY Singapore?
Online squabble about "Hero-Worship" of the late Lee Kuan Yew
Family feud over how to mark LKY's death spills out online
New Law to Protect Lee Kuan Yew's Name and Image
Govt rebuts Lawyer's comments on QFLP scheme
Li Hongyi & Li Shengwu: 2 latest Internet sensation from the Lee family
Remembering Lee Kuan Yew 2016
LKY Passing: Good Intentions Gone Wrong
PM broke down in Parliament talking about his Dad
A State Funeral Service held for Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Former PM Lee Kuan Yew in the limelight
Lee Kuan Yew passes away on 23 Mar 2015
Lee Kuan Yew – The Man and his Legacy
Lee Kuan Yew in ICU with severe pneumonia
The Battle For Merger
Happy 91st Birthday Lee Kuan Yew from Singapore!
Singapore's Founding Father Hospitalised
Lee Kuan Yew turns 90
Lee Kuan Yew hospitalised: Suspected Transient Ischaemic Attack
Lee & Lee - The job has changed
"One World's View Of The Man"
Lee Kuan Yew on death: I want mine quickly, painlessly
A Post-LKY Singapore?